Free ProPhoto Template | Coming Soon Landing Page

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I’m so excited about this new FREE ProPhoto Template I made, just for you as you’re building your ProPhoto Website.

The free ProPhoto template is for a landing page! You can set this up as a “coming soon” page while you work on your website. It’s one page and one layout! So it’s really simple and very fast to get set up. You can have the background be a picture or a color, and the fonts and colors are all customizable too.

This free ProPhoto Template is so easy to install and customize. Then you can have a nice landing page on your ProPhoto website. You can use this to get your client’s names and emails before you’re ready to launch your whole website.

ProPhoto is awesome because you can make your own website from a template or from scratch. But until you’re completely ready to launch, it’s so nice to have a “coming soon” page! You can gather emails and make sure your clients and customers don’t see your site until it is completely ready!

ProPhoto is a very affordable theme for WordPress, and the one time cost makes it very doable for businesses. When you’re ready to buy ProPhoto, make sure to check out this blog post for my exclusive ProPhoto Discount code!

Once you sign up to get the download above, it will automatically send it to you! The email will also have a link to a Youtube Video to see how to customize it!

Free ProPhoto Template
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